EBC Congress
2-6 June 2019, Antwerp
One of the most important events for technical brewers, brewing technologists and scientists involved in the fields of brewing, malting, beverage engineering and fermentation.

technical posters

EBC Congress 2019
The congress of the European Brewery Convention will take place in Antwerp in the period 2-6 June 2019. The EBC congress is one of the most important brewing technical events in Europe as well as across the globe. It appeals to researchers, technologists, scientists and other professionals involved in the fields of brewing, malting, beverage engineering and fermentation.
- The congress will be attended by about 500+ professionals.
- There will be more than 55 presentations.
- Once again, more than 120 technical posters have been accepted.
The last day has been reserved for technical tours to breweries, maltings, supplier / brewing engineering companies. In addition to the oral presentations, researchers will be submitting their latest findings also in the form of scientific posters.
EBC Congress 2019
Attendees Profile
Professionnals from various sectors can benefit from attending EBC Congress:

Brewers, quality managers, laboratory managers, etc., from breweries representing around 30%

Scientists, researchers, etc., from institutes, academic institutions, universities making up around 35%.

Suppliers and trade exhibitors making up around 35% of all the participants.
EBC Congress and The Brewers of Europe Forum: a novel approach!
For the first time in the 72-year history of the EBC, the biennial congress will be held concurrently and under one roof with the Brewers of Europe Forum, a networking and information event organised by The Brewers of Europe.
Keep informed about latest innovations & research developments
The EBC congress is attended by about 500 professionals and will propose more than 55 presentations and 120+ technical posters.
Meet professionals and stakeholders from the brewing sector
The Brewers of Europe Forum will combine strategic and practical content through more than 35 international conferences, an industry tradeshow and european beer sampling.
Please refer to the Brewers Forum website for the corresponding programme.
Ticketing and registration fee
- The registration fee for the EBC Congress is 650€.
- Member of a national association itself member of The Brewers of Europe are eligible for a discount and will pay 600€.
- Speakers & contributors will be sent a specific registration link.
Full EBC congress registration with access to all presentations, the exhibition area and the Farewell party on 5 June. The following programme items will be charged separately:
- Opening Reception on 2 June (25€),
- Networking evening on 3 June (10€),
- Technical Tours to either Duvel-Moortgat Brewery, or Palm Brewery, or Boortmalt maltings, on 6 June (20€)..
How can I register?
To register click on the REGISTER button below and complate the purchase process on the ticketing system.
Note that EBC presenters (poster and oral presentations) will be sent a discount code. This should be available to users before proceeding with the registration. Exibitors will be notified separately of which registration platform to use.
Highlights from previous editions of the EBC Congress & The Brewers of Europe Forum
Browse those videos to view highligths and key moments from the last editions of the EBC Congress or The Brewers of Europe Forum.
Higlights of the EBC Congress 2017, Brewing Future: Science for Better Beers
Higlights of the The Brewers of Europe Forum 2018, Beer and Beyond
Trailer of The Brewers of Europe Forum 2019, 3 & 4 June, Antwerp
Higlights of the European Brewery Convention Congress 2015